
Upcoming events…

“Pond Music”

a concert by David Rothenberg (9/28/2023, 1pm @ Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)

David Rothenberg will drop a hydrophone in the Institute pond, which will then be transmitted to speakers above ground. He will then improvise with the sounds of plants and insects in the pond.

Interspecies Communication Book Launch

Gavin Steingo in Dialogue with Gary Tomlinson

(3/29/2024, 6pm @ Labyrinth Books)

An event to mark the publication of Interspecies Communication: Sound and Music Beyond Humanity (University of Chicago Press)

122 Nassau St
Princeton, NJ 08542

Pamela Z Meets The Animal Song Collective

(4/5/2024, 4:30pm @ Yeh College, Princeton University)

Pamela Z gives a concert of works for solo voice and electronics at Princeton University’s Choi Glass Box Theater in Yeh College.

Choi Glass Box Theater
Yeh College, Princeton University
Princeton , NJ 08544

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